The city of Akron, in partnership with community-based nonprofit organizations, was awarded $1 million in funding from the U.S. Department of Agriculture's U.S. Forest Service. The funding will be used for Project ACORN: Akron Community-Owned Reforestation Network

Project ACORN will develop an urban forestry workforce training program through the cultivation and planting of trees in neighborhoods experiencing the highest tree canopy loss in Akron: East Akron, Middlebury, Sherbondy Hill, South Akron, and Summit Lake.  The site for this tree nursery and workforce development initiative? Theiss Road land in Ward 8!

Previously considered as a site for new housing construction, this 64-acres of city-owned land will instead be conserved and used as an Urban Forestry Academy and Tree Nursery. Program participants will hone skills in tree planting, trimming, pruning, tree identification, invasive species control, common tree diseases, tree health monitoring, and long-term canopy maintenance. At the conclusion of the 8-week program, participants may receive industry certifications and technical skills to pursue a career in forestry. Curriculum is being developed for an Urban Forestry Certificate with assistance from Davey Tree. In total, the federal grant will support 30 program participants over the next three years. 

As a nursery, the Theiss Rd lands hope to produce 1500 street trees and 3500 seedlings for the watershed over the next five years. City of Akron Water and Public Works Bureau will develop and maintain the site, under the direction of the City Arborist.